House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., have been calling state legislators about the map, which could affect control of Congress.

  • peopleproblems
    2 years ago

    California has a history of “make me.”

    Economically, California is (at least was, I don’t know if it still is) capable of sustaining itself separated from federal money. It even has the power to set national standards, like the “known to cause cancer” warning. Which may seem like it’s slapped on everything, but from what I remember, its slapped on everything containing any carcinogens, covering products even after their lifespan into disposal (if you burn a product but it doesn’t destroy the carcinogen it’s still a risk since it’s airborne or in waste.)

    Alabama is just completely fucked if they get cutoff from federal money.

      2 years ago

      I did a road trip from Los Angeles to Florida about a decade ago to help my college roommate move for med school. I recall seeing multiple billboards driving through gulf coast states saying things like

      • State funding: 10M
      • Federal funding: 65M

      And some of the states didn’t even have the “state funding” part.

      I really would enjoy seeing these states find out what happens when you fuck around with the people who are buttering your bread.