By Lauren Fernandez / CTV News

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    What i dont understand is all my single/childless friends are biking to work and doing all the “environmentally friendly” things we’re supposed to do (whether it’s effective or just stoking our own egos is up for debate)

    And then you have my friends who are parents of 2-4 kids and they’re doubling down on the mass consumption, SUV at costco lifestyle…

    Like… Your kids are headed for the hungee games… Why are ya’ll trying to accelerate the timeline?

    • @MagpieRhymes
      161 year ago

      I try to reserve judgement, mainly because I never wanted kids, so not having them was an easy choice for me. I can’t pretend to understand the biological drive to procreate, since I don’t feel it.

      But yeah…I suspect a LOT of people who have kids (especially young kids) are very much burying their heads in the sand to avoid the reality. Especially as climate-related disasters start happening with increasing frequency. The horror of seeing collapse coming for their children will be devastating mentally - most people will lean hard into the cognitive dissonance to avoid facing it.