It’s a pretty common thing on the internet to see somebody relating a story about someone acting in an inconsiderate way and the response is usually something like, “Well that person is a total piece of shit.”

I’m fine with using those kinds of words. What I don’t get is why people are inclined to go full tilt in how they express themselves rather than using the full range of meaning that words provide. It’s like, if you go straight to calling things a piece of shit, how do I know whether you’re genuinely upset about something versus, mildly annoyed?

We have all of these linguistic colors and yet things are so often painted in black and white.

Why is this?

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    Piece of shit is mild in my book, thats basic level of asshole. From there it goes up to shit-head, pile of shit, fucking goddamned heap of shit, and further. But piece of shit is just a starter asshole.