Note that this is subtly different from the “one level in every class” thing; this is about taking your levels one at a time, starting from level 1, rather than a fully-finished level 13 concept.

Could this be at all viable? What order would you go with?

  • jake_eric
    2 years ago

    I’m imagining that the best way to do it and actually be at least somewhat useful to the party is to get bless and healing word as soon as possible and just do that as much as possible, probably using your remaining actions to stay out of the way of danger. Out of combat you actually should have a decent amount of low level spells and cantrips to be pretty handy. Still not great but there are probably less useful characters people make.

    So, start with Divine Soul Sorcerer for the Con saves, then take a level in one of the Clerics that gives you good armor. You don’t have the Strength for heavy armor I’d guess but I think it’s still worth it anyway, otherwise your party may find it to not be worthwhile to keep saving you. You should definitely take shield for that, too. By 5th level you should take a level in Warlock for eldritch blast, since that’s the best damage you’re going to get.

    There is the alternative of focusing on eldritch blast and taking Warlock as your first level, that should let you take Agonizing Blast with Eldritch Adapt as your 1st level V-Human feat. Then you’re as set for damage as you can be for your whole career. This is something of a generic take and it does mean you miss out on Con save proficiency; since your Constitution score is probably gonna be pretty weak with all this multiclassing, I think the proficiency is important.

    Level order isn’t super important outside of that, but take the caster classes first for more slots. The martials don’t give you as much and I think Monk gives you basically nothing.