…how many of you will stay? Personally, I wiped my Reddit history and deleted my account, so I’m definitely here to stay. I can see, however, that a number of people see Lemmy more as a distraction until the blackout is over. I wonder what that number would be.

  • @scifu
    211 year ago

    Definitely here to stay. Even deleted app from my phone and put a bookmark to lemmy where the app used to be. Now I access lemmy as much as I used to Reddit purely because of muscle memory / force of habit and don’t miss Reddit one bit.

    • fluffyrex
      141 year ago

      There are apps for Lemmy! I’m finding the app much nicer to use on my phone than accessing lemmy thru a browser, which is what I’m guessing you’re doing based on your description of using a “shortcut.”


      • @KermitLeFrog
        71 year ago

        Thanks for this comment. Was considering programming my own app though (especially in the spirit of the latest news), so if I find any issues with the android version I might still go through with that

        • @Fabulous
          61 year ago

          The apps are also open-source in case those issues can be added/fixed in the existing apps! App diversity is also great!

        • @Darorad
          1 year ago


          Jerboa definitely has some issues, so i’m planning on seeing if I can figure some of them out. Also some stuff i’m not a fan of, but seem to be intentional deaigns so I might just make a personal fork. Never worked with jetpack or kotlin, so we’ll see how bad those are to pick up

      • sonneedgym
        11 year ago

        It says I need a TestFlight invitation code :(