All hope for humanity rests on Fury's shoulders.
S01E06: Home July 26th, 2023 on Disney+ 37m None
  • @ClarkDoom
    21 year ago

    Those two mentioned shows were good but even then should have been the lowest bar that the subsequent shows continued to improve upon. It’s honestly sad that they seem to have gotten worse with each new entry.

    I didn’t even realize we were in the penultimate episode until I looked up the episodes reception after, that’s how poor the pacing was for this episode. Plus Fury exclaiming something to the effect of “let’s end this” made me literally laugh out loud with secondhand embarrassment.

    Secret Invasion IMO should have been a massive crossover of multiple shows and it’s effects should be touching every corner of the MCU. Using it as a vehicle to ultimately just say what Fury has been up to behind the scenes of the mcu and deliver more info about his personal life is such a baffling choice.

    • @canthidiumOP
      21 year ago

      Oh very much agreed. Secret Invasion should be a much bigger event than what we are getting. I’m not opposed to learning more about Fury, but it should definitely be a side plot to an overarching story in this series.