• @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    You don’t have to like or support him to acknowledge what the government is doing. Hell, I can even acknowledge that Trump made a few good decisions.

    • @eldavi
      11 year ago

      i hate trump; but i do admit that some of his decisions have made my life much better

        • @eldavi
          11 year ago

          i hate them both at the same level. trump because he’s a racist ass hat and biden because he permanently fucked up my life.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            I guess I never asked, what exactly did he do that ruined your life? Hard to imagine something to put him on an equal level with the guy who filled the court which lead to the overturning of roe v Wade and the protection of businesses to allow discrimination and to end affirmative action.

            • @eldavi
              11 year ago

              he supported doma, dont-ask-dont-tell, and spearheaded permanent student loan debt.

              so when i graduated high, school military service was not an option because because of don’t-ask-don’t-tell and my parents were migrant farm workers who had no provisions for me. so the only option left to me was to go to college where i racked up enough permanently undischargable student loan debt that grew exponentially between the 2008 and covid collapses thanks to biden’s student loan debt bill. I’ll be paying for it for the rest of my life as a result.

              between 2008 and covid, i wanted to marry another immigrant who had no legal status and, thanks to doma, i couldn’t marry and sponsor him so he got deported. he moved on and got married when it was politically convenient for biden to decide that gay marriage was okay and i’m too old of an incouragable fart to date.