The next fad after companion apps?

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    By delegating behind-the-scenes decision-making to AI algorithms[…]

    This line is a bit confusing, because this doesn’t sound like it requires an “AI” in the LLM sense, it sounds like a few if-statements.

    I would be curious to see how exactly an LLM could be integrated into a board game, but for that - as always - I’ll be keeping an eye on the indie space.

    There’s no chance a corporation like Hasbro will do anything more than slapping the “AI” label on it and letting the shareholder dollars to roll in.

    • @Ultraviolet
      1 year ago

      An LLM is a specific type of AI, and honestly one that’s a useless novelty at best and the death of information on the internet at worst. Machine learning has been used in chess for literal decades before LLMs, is Stockfish “a few if statements”?