I’ll start - for me, it’s a social lubricant, it works basically in the same way as alcohol, but with way fewer side effects and no hangover in the next day. My alcohol consumption reduced as a result.

For this to work, it’s important to not consume every day, otherwise the desired “lubricant” effects basically disappear.

I know some folks use Kratom very differently for e.g. pain management, what’s your story?

  • @PutangInaMo
    41 year ago

    I started trying it to reduce my drinking too but found it has varying effects. It’s so frustrating.

    I started consuming it about 6 years ago though and my use and reasoning has changed a lot in that time.

    Between pain management, mood boost, and honestly just as a break throughout the day. Only 1-1.5g per dose though, but I used to take big doses. RLS is a bitch though so I cut back a lot. Same effects, which at this point are muted and closer to “break time” relief at this point.