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  • Poringo
    22 years ago

    Same happened to me with Hyperion, did read the second one, was not satisfied.

    Children of time is very good, I have the second part in my backlog.

    Currently reading The Earthsea Quarter by Ursula Le Guin, finished the first book, I like it a lot. I like how they handle magic and names.

    Will check your recommended books :)

    • McBinaryOP
      2 years ago

      I have a special place in my heart for Ursula LeGuin - The Wizard of Earthsea was one of my favorite books as a kid. This series was sort of my first jump from goosebumps and other RL Stine novellas to young adult fantasy.

      I was more than a little sad when my son didn’t enjoy it as much as me. :'(