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  • conciselyverbose
    2 years ago

    Someone suggested Models of the Mind by Grace Lindsey. Since I’m always looking for more books on what makes us tick, I added it relatively quickly and got to it at the end of last week.

    I thought it was decent. It covers a variety of different ways to investigate the brain, and does go into some technical detail. It gave me a few ideas to investigate further. I personally could have done without the significant chunk that covers the biographical details of the different scientists, though. It was integrated reasonably well, but I would have rather had more depth on the various topics. It doesn’t go to the top of my books on intelligence/etc, but it was decent enough.

    It mentioned Jeff Hawkins Thousand Brains (with some mention that there isn’t a lot of evidentiary basis for the structures he’s discussing in the real brain), so I grabbed that, too. I’ve read less of that one, and am taking it with a grain of salt, but i think some of his thoughts may ultimately translate to new approaches to AI down the line. I haven’t read enough to suggest it or not, yet. His other book On Intelligence is similar and not bad though.