Any idea what’s happening with this? In the settings the default is set to NEW, but when I open categories/channels/subs, they’re set to ACTIVE, which is super frustrating when I’m just trying to find new stuff.

  • Trojan Ham
    2 years ago

    I had the same issue. You need to go into settings (swipe right -> [username] settings). Scroll about halfway down and select “Default Listing” in it’s drop down box and repeat for “Default sort.”

    Edit (thanks to comment!): after doing the above, click SAVE.

    • jago
      12 years ago

      I have Default Listing set to All, Default Sort set to Hot. Both unchanged since I last saved them.

      This community still opens with Active sorting, even if I close and reopen the app.

      Is there a Community-level value that overrides the client-side?