I’m a relatively new player, been at it for three or four months now. I mostly play solo so I’m figuring things out on my own and sometimes it’s slow going; I resort to googling things quite often because I don’t quite understand what’s going on. I’ve gotten up to MR14. Been unable to beat the MR15 test so far as I’m pretty bad at interceptions.

I finally decided to buckle down and do the New War quest over the weekend and I really enjoyed it. I liked all the different perspectives and switches to game play style, plus the lore and plot line were amazing. I finally understand what’s going on in the game. But there were a few places I got stuck so I looked things up and saw how many posts there were by people complaining about the quest line and hating on it.

I found it to be pretty forgiving of an old(er) person whose reflexes, reaction time and visual processing are going to shit. The boss fights weren’t that bad, really. Since I solo and haven’t gotten anywhere near the kind of strength I see the Steel Path folks putting out when I’m grouped with them during Circuit, the purported tediousness folks were complaining about was just par for the course for how I usually do boss fights: run around like a chicken on fire and get off a shot or two occasionally until it’s over. The four hours the quest is supposed to take was more like nine hours for me but all in all it wasn’t too bad and I was able to finish it in time for Circuit.

Then I hopped into Kahl’s Garrison and the first mission I got was Sneaky Sabotage and that was a bit of a slog because I didn’t know WTF was going on and the deacons were everywhere. I did finish it, barely. I did the next one yesterday night and did much better. I like the different game mode and having to adapt to different rules of play. But again, I saw tons of people complaining about it during various web searches. I didn’t see anyone talking about how they enjoyed either of those scenarios.

Surely there are other people out there that like some or all of this content? Or am I just the weirdo who’s about to be downvoted to oblivion?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You can manage in a public squad if someone carries DPS and you have a tanky frame that doesnt die (Revenant). It’s worth trying at least, since Archon Shards are so rare.

      Unless you are able to deal significant damage to the Archon, it’s best not to hit it at all so that your teammates can finish it faster. They have an Adaptation mechanic where they take significantly reduced damage after someone hits them. So usually you want to one-shot them. See if someone brought Felarx or Kuva Hek, those are the main guns for it. Otherwise it’ll be four of you chipping away for 30 minutes lol. I always get frustrated when I do it in public squads because I know I could just kill it instantly if the Wukong just stopped with the Acceltra for 12 seconds.

      • UziBobuziOP
        21 year ago

        I’m really shy about public squads because I don’t want to be the leech on the team so it’s good to know this information for when I get started doing these. Thank you.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Its fine to be carried. Bring a support frame at least. Most don’t mind carrying a newer player.

          • UziBobuziOP
            21 year ago

            Thanks for that! I have quite a few frames, maybe Oberon or Trinity?

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Glad to hear it! Also, if it helps, most people dont do this, so you’re not gonna get flamed for it.