To say the first season had mixed reviews is an understatement, but I enjoyed the experience and I’m looking forward to the second season!

It seems like the biggest gripe most negative reviewers had was there wasn’t enough action in the first season, which based on the trailer seems to have been heard. I always viewed the show as more of a character study on how people react and adapt when put into impossible situations, but I’m happy to see some big battles in the trailer.

The second season begins on August 23 and runs weekly through October 25.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Such an unusual series. Putatively about an alien invasion but it focuses on the characters so much it’s really about how they react to and deal with the events.

    It has a strange “generic atmospheric sci-fi horror possibly-trying-too-hard-to-be-realistic” feeling to it ala Cloverfield etc, but it’s also fairly unique in that the characterisation is REALLY deep and believable. I was sad when Casp went into the coma

    The comparisons to The War of the Worlds are pretty obvious. It also reminds me sometimes of a sci-fi novel series called The War Against the Chtorr