I’m trying to transition off of reddit completely and I dislike what they have done. But that being said, I thought it was quite honorable of them to not censor the ‘fuck spez’, be it comments throughout the site or on /r/Place. They even left the giant fuck spez ending in the official time lapse of /r/Place and the highest ranked post is a screen shot of the same.

They have many reasonable sounding excuses available to censor excessive use of the word ‘fuck’, and I don’t see how they benefit by leaving it up there. It’s not like censoring swear words is beyond the pale compared to other things they have done. They didn’t even need to do /r/Place, they knew full well what was going to happen but they did it anyways.

I know many people think this is some 4D chess move or a fear of the Streisand effect. They are not that clever.

I just wanted to point out that it does in fact look like they have a line that they won’t cross and they are holding to it.

Also, fuck spez.

  • @Octomagnus
    161 year ago

    Spez is know to alter comments. There is no line they won’t cross.

    I’m sure this is the exception, not the rule.

    • manitcor
      41 year ago

      as they took over more subs, even with automated tooling, time starts getting pulled to dealing with those subs in one way or another, no indication they have hired a bunch of new people and they have had to take on the work of thousands of mods.

      • @Octomagnus
        31 year ago

        Good point, they are probably short on resources as they scramble to retool their staff to cover for the absent mods.

    • @PopularUsernameOP
      21 year ago

      I don’t want to defend spez, buuuuut, it was /r/the_donald, and it was kinda funny. It was not like a covert operation to change the dialog, it was obvious what happened when it happened, it was a troll move. Still inappropriate no doubt, but like, not the same as a disinformation campaign.

      • @Octomagnus
        61 year ago

        The problem is they have opened Pandora’s box. That trust can never be won back in my opinion.