• Nukemin Herttua
    402 years ago

    Can someone confirm that this is genuine? I mean, I know he has problems, but this just seems too f’d up to be a real screenshot 😬

    • @SomeoneElseOPM
      582 years ago

      It’s genuine. I took this screenshot just now.

      • Nukemin Herttua
        162 years ago

        Wow…I knew He was right wing but this here is already starting to sound psychotic.

        • @[email protected]
          82 years ago

          Behind the Bastards just recently did a two part story about how The Dilbert Guy lost his mind. It’s a great podcast and goes through the whole history of him falling hard for Trump in recent years. Part of it seems to come from a very traumatic health issue where he almost lost his ability to speak. It certainly doesn’t absolve him but it kind of explains what pushed him over the edge.

          Here’s the first part if anyone is interested:


          • @jarfil
            32 years ago

            Sounds like a case of “the guy formerly known as The Dilbert Guy”. Doesn’t sound like the same guy [with a working brain] anymore.

      • @[email protected]
        132 years ago

        Oh, I know this shit. It’s like when Trump made a deal with Satan to convince Eve to eat the apple, because then Trump could try to date or just grab Eve when she got sent to Earth.

      • @Piers
        82 years ago

        Since you’ve already volunteered yourself to venture into the den of awfulness formerly know as Twitter on our behalf; perhaps you could dig around to see if perhaps there’s a recently trending, uh, txeet(?) That says something sensible using the same structure but different groups that this Scott idiot is attempting to parody?

        Something like:

        “I wonder if (some group this Scott guy would relate to?) know that (scumbag group who actually supported Hitler and the previously named group have recently shown support for) was allied with Hitler and helped him come to power…”

        That’s my most generous interpretation of what he’s saying about someone critizing his original post just not understanding “what’s going on here.”