(trying with a direct gif link instead of gifv - my other posts always seem to have a broken preview)

    • R0cket_M00se
      51 year ago

      I’d love a TV Dredd continuation just as much, and I love his take on Bones.

    • @CeruleanRuin
      21 year ago

      I’d love to see that cast get one more go on the big screen.

      • Faceman🇦🇺
        31 year ago

        Hell I’ll take him as a quick cameo at the end of SNW to hand over the the classic crew. Oh and Simon Peggs Scotty was great too. You know what, they weren’t bad movies, it’s just cool to hate on them because it’s a meme at this point. There I said it.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I do think Into Darkness was bad, and I could take or leave '09 (so much in those two just doesn’t make sense) but I love Beyond.