Hello Everyone!

What are you all reading?

I am currently going through a re-read of Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Currently on 2nd book, Fool Moon.

  • DrMango
    22 years ago

    Yeah, The Sound and the Fury was a doozy. I’m no stranger to difficult books and I generally like stream-of-consciousness modernist writing, but this one really tested me! I’ll have to revisit it some day I think.

    I have the Penguin Classics edition of Metamorphoses which credits David Raeburn as the translator. I’ve dabbled in the Iliad/Odyssey but frankly have found them entirely too dense to be worth my effort with the primary text. I… Haven’t found a lot of good resources for Metamorphoses yet. I have just been Googling “Metamorphoses Book 3 discussion” when I finish a section and perusing the submissions.