• Mike
    102 years ago

    @DaughterOfMars Are you asking if I was “boots on the ground” with archeologists? Nope. However, considering humans, I consider people admitting they might be wrong and adopting better concepts as evolution. Evolution is not about intelligence, but, adaptation to survive. I would say I have seen evolution, personally, in my life.

    • Mike
      62 years ago

      @DaughterOfMars Funny thing…our “intelligence” went only so far. Now, it seems that all the people who piggybacked the science and don’t truly understand it are going to kill us.

    • @ngdev
      52 years ago

      Bit of a nitpick, but adaptation is not evolution. I was about to say that you cannot observe capital E Evolution in your own lifetime but then I remembered stuff on the bacterial scale that reproduces at break neck pace and is absolutely observable. HIV is one of these examples.

      • Mike
        22 years ago

        @ngdev I think semantics plays a part in this, too. Survival of the fittest, so to speak.

      • @DaughterOfMarsM
        2 years ago

        Indeed, micro-evolution is quite fast because the rate of mutation is relatively high and generations are short. Macro-evolution is actually not generally well-understood by lay-people, primarily because it involves thinking on a scale that is so far outside of our short lifetimes. Not many people are capable of thinking on a scale outside of their own asses let alone across thousands of generations, hence the severe level of closed-mindedness in this thread alone…

        • @ngdev
          52 years ago

          I think the idea I was referencing when I mentioned evolution not being observable in one’s lifetime is actually better stated as:

          Evolution cannot be observed in the lifetime of an individual of the species in question. I.E. A HIV “cell” won’t live to see the evolved, drug-resistant ones down the line

    • @DaughterOfMarsM
      -182 years ago

      Here’s my point: Your reasons for believing in Evolution are your own, but don’t pretend that you know it for a fact. We all have to accept things we cannot personally verify to make progress as a society and that very progress should be your driving force, NOT your own biases.

      • Mike
        42 years ago

        @DaughterOfMars If that is the answer, why ask the question? Science is not my “bias.” We can choose to teust the professionals or not. I just gave you my reason for my belief that evolution is real and how I have seen it. I left Twitter for this type of ridicule from religious nuts and flat earthers. I take it you saw my profile. Regardless, make peace with yourself and have humility.

        • @DaughterOfMarsM
          -102 years ago

          😂 Why on earth would you think I give a shit about you enough to read your profile? How self-centered can you be…unbelievable. Maybe you should ask yourself why you’re spending time in a community about UFOs if you’re not willing to accept the possibility that they exist. You realize that makes you one of those trolls you mention, don’t you? Don’t you??