I’m a junior backend software engineer. I use a Vim plugin on my fancy code editor. I like the command line but I’m not all in on it or anything.

If I was a Windows user I’d switch. But being a Mac user I have a lot of what I need for software development.

What am I missing out on? Genuine question.

  • @[email protected]OP
    22 years ago

    Actually I have a work laptop now, so my personal M1 (which I give a lot of credit for my journey to becoming a developer) is kind of collecting a bit of dust now.

    And yes, the point you mentioned about running the same OS as backend servers/infra, it touches on why I would try it out. Again, I’m not unhappy with Macs but there are knowledge/productivity gains that would come with learning Linux which will help with my career, even if it’s a little.

    • @HERRAX
      22 years ago

      If it’s just collecting dust anyways, just give it a go! And don’t stress about getting it set up fast or perfect on your first try, see it as a fun and interesting project and familiarise yourself with the OS. Maybe check out a few different distros and DE’s before you decide on what to settle with.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      Yeah, then I’d say that dusty M1 mac is perfect for experimentation. I will say my Linux experience came in really handy at my work place (software eng), so go for it! Spin up some servers, do some self-hosting, etc. I feel like the only person who can decide whether Linux is for you is you, and if you run into any trouble, the Linux community is here to help you out.