It’s a bit old, but the topic pertains to video game butts so I thought it’d be nice to talk about here. Give people - myself included - a chance to air their grievances with what I’d consider to be a plague on video games and modern day art.

So, I’d like to make a post that goes into the censorship that happened during the development of Injustice 2. I am vehemently against censorship in video games, so I was really bummed to hear that Injustice 2 got censored, and in fact I didn’t hear about it first, but saw it! I bought and played Injustice 2 and saw that many of the girls had these weird textures on their asses that looked like their panties had been stretched all the way over their butt cheeks. It wasn’t until later that I found out that many of the developers behind the game were actually against their lead character designer Gihon_Sihon who initially made the characters not only have sleeker apparel but also more attractive. Now this is a topic that has been covered a few times - particularly here in a CensoredGaming video but I don’t think that it got a lot of traction seeing as NetherRealm went on to follow the trend of making characters less attractive and more covered up in their following releases MK11 and what seems to be the case for the new MK1.

NetherRealm has gone on record as saying that the changes they made are to add more “realism” which makes no sense because at least in Mortal Kombat’s case you are fighting to the death, one person is gonna die regardless. Not only that, but characters spines get snapped mid game, skulls get crushed regardless of what the character might be wearing. Where’s the realism in that? If you’re gonna fight to the death, may as well look good doing it I say.

It’s a power fantasy where people want to look up to the characters NR, don’t be afraid to make them attractive, let people enjoy their escapism without fear of censorship, and without needing to be talked down to about their interests.

Anyways, below will be the posts from Gihon_Sihon’s instagram for posterity. What do you guys think? What is your take on censorship in games? Do you consider games art? I’d love to hear what you have to say. Injustice… What a fitting name…

Justice for Gihon_Sihon.

  • @GregorGizeh
    51 year ago

    I guess it’s a minor thing to be upset about, but this is apparently (just scrolling by) a community for video game asses. Possibly the most appropriate place to discuss censorship of video game asses.

    • MapleOPM
      1 year ago

      Minor to those who don’t care, but major to people like myself, and fellow VGB community members. Like the whole point of the community is video game butts, why would anyone expect is to not talk about them in their entirety?

      The word censorship really brings out the weridos.

      • @GregorGizeh
        31 year ago

        There are so many worse things. This is just some harmless pixel nsfw. Harms nobody

          • @GregorGizeh
            1 year ago

            Matter of perspective I suppose. If people enjoy it and nobody is hurt or harmed by it, why not let them?

            Yes it’s not the most well adjusted interest, but what is normal anyway

            • @Tangent5280
              31 year ago

              People eat each other’s buttholes to near societal acceptance. What’s a picture of an ass to a tongue in an ass?

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                What’s a picture of an ass to a tongue in an ass?

                Dammit, I knew this question was going to be on the test!

            • MapleOPM
              -11 year ago

              Thanks for your understanding. Simply put, I like butts and I like video games. I saw that there wasn’t a unified place to discuss the two so I made VGB. And you’re entirely right in saying that we get to enjoy something and no body gets hurt in the process except for some special people like the one above I suppose.

              Though, I’m not entirely sure what you mean by it isn’t a well adjusted interest. People have all sorts of interests, mine particularly is of the human body, I think it’s a beautiful thing that comes in all shapes and sizes, and video games can be an art form expression of those qualities. And that I’d like to discuss more with other like-minded individuals, but I understand that that’s more of a nuanced approach and some may not see it that way, to the people off put by the mere existence of this community they can simply block it and move on. It makes no sense to me that someone would come and complain about it other than they are some sort of troll, or things don’t connect right in their brain. But hey, who am I to judge?

          • MapleOPM
            -11 year ago

            How does that add up like at all?

      • MapleOPM
        -11 year ago

        Sounds like someone who has never had something to be passionate about. How does it feel to be so hollow?

          • MapleOPM
            -111 months ago

            Yeah there is. Funny how jealous you are about it. 😆 bro can literally just block and keep scrolling and instead came here to try and put people down.