• Otome-chanOP
    11 year ago

    “religion tells women”. Sir, I’m gnostic. This isn’t a thing in gnosticism. It sounds like you’re talking about islam, not “religion” and certainly not God.

      • Otome-chanOP
        01 year ago

        Murdering a baby isn’t “a say over their own body”. Not sure what to tell you.

        • @BroBot9000
          11 year ago

          Bwhahaha. Learn some biology imbecile.

          It’s a clump of cells. Not a living, breathing baby.

          What a woman does with her body is her choice. Regardless of how uncomfortable you might be with it. It is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS what a woman does with her own body.

          Bet you also are against lgbtq+ living in peace.

          Do you protest at medical centres?

          • Otome-chanOP
            01 year ago

            First, a baby 3 seconds prior to birth and 3 seconds after birth are virtually identical. not “a clump of cells”.

            Second, it’s not a woman’s body, but the baby’s body. Surely, the baby girl should have the right over her own body? yet you’re deciding for her against her will? I support the baby girl’s right to decide what she does with her own body.

            As for lgbtq+, yes I’m opposed, naturally. Because that movement is homophobic and transphobic, and I myself am transsexual.

            • @BroBot9000
              1 year ago

              Do you seriously not know anything about abortion?

              Do you honestly believe that they do that to a child 3 seconds before it’s born?

              That’s literally the maddest thing I’ve heard all damn year.

              Fucking 🤡


              No… no they don’t…. Nobody advocates for your stupid delusions of last second abortions.

              Nobody can be this fucking stupid. You really that dumb?

              Go read a book beside the fucking bible.

              Seek professional help. You desperately need it.

              • Otome-chanOP
                1 year ago

                That’s what pro choice advocate for, up to the moment of birth.

                • @BroBot9000
                  11 year ago

                  No… no they don’t….

                  Nobody can be this fucking stupid. You really that dumb?

                  Go read a book beside the fucking bible.

                  Seek professional help. You desperately need it.

                • @BroBot9000
                  11 year ago

                  No… no they don’t….

                  Nobody can be this fucking stupid. You really that dumb?

                  Go read a book beside the fucking bible.

                  Seek professional help. You desperately need it.

                • @BroBot9000
                  11 year ago

                  No… no they don’t….

                  Nobody can be this fucking stupid. You really that dumb?

                  Go read a book beside the fucking bible.

                  Seek professional help. You desperately need it.

                • @BroBot9000
                  11 year ago

                  No… no they don’t….

                  Nobody can be this fucking stupid. You really that dumb?

                  Go read a book beside the fucking bible.

                  Seek professional help. You desperately need it.

                • @BroBot9000
                  11 year ago

                  No… no they don’t….

                  Nobody can be this fucking stupid. You really that dumb?

                  Go read a book beside the fucking bible.

                  Seek professional help. You desperately need it.