Hi folks, I’ve had my ender 3 v2 for around 2 years and it’s been trouble-free until lately. Recently, I’ve had major issues with the first layer. I found a few worn components, so I got a dual gear extruder and replaced the nozzle, recald the esteps, bed level and z offset. Nothing I do seems to work.

The issue happens on the first layer when it first starts to extrude. The first 5mm or so of extrusion curls up behind the nozzle, then the extrusion sticks to the bed and it continues normally… Until it needs to starts a new extrusion, then the same thing happens…the curl.

I have to think it’s something with temperature, but I haven’t changed anything about the filament since these issues started.

Looking for any advice. Thanks!

  • @woefkardoes
    12 years ago

    Most brands should work fine. Same with hairspray.

    I’ve been using glass print surfaces and glue stick for 10+ years. I just wash off the glass with warm water every 2-3 prints otherwise just add a new layer of glue stick before printing. I’m going to try a G10 print surface next as I finally found some in my country.