• So you’re frustrated by climate change alarmists because even if civilization collapses there will still likely be humans in a cave somewhere, and the octopus might have a shot at taking over the world?

    Fortunately most people aren’t so horribly misanthropic; we actually care what happens to people.

    • @BadAdvice
      1 year ago

      I’m frustrated with climate alarmists because they are too busy alarmistizing the conversation to actually get productive about solutions. The only way we will ever see progress towards stabilizing our climate is when something other than human is in charge. I, for one, welcome our future robot overlords with open arms. We have thousands of years of history to prove to anyone with the eyes to see that humanity cannot be trusted to care for itself. AI is the best bet we have as long as we actually manage to birth the machine gods before we put ourselves back into the caves.