I haven’t played at all yet since I’ve been waiting for the full release.

I’m thinking of rolling up the tempest cleric pirate I used to play in an IRL campaign. I remember using some shenanigans with taking Magic Initiate for Booming Blade, delivered with a whip, which felt fun and not too OP. Edit: Guess I’m not doing that since there’s no Booming Blade in BG3 yet :(

Any fun builds you’ve already tried in the Early Access?

  • Proteus
    02 years ago

    I’ve finally decided on what I’ll roll up. Gonna go with a Sverfneblin Lore Bard with a Guild Artisan background. No multiclass, and lean heavy into skills. I think I can replace having a rogue doing this. For the party I will focus on having a healer, martial class, and mage for balance. Had a lot of fun experimenting with this setup in EA.