Recommend Me Some Short Games Played on PS2, PSX, NDS, or PSP

I’ll be playing on my phone so the controls are a bit hard so action games are out of the question.

I was thinking along the lines of Turn-Based RPGs like Persona 4 but these are too long to play, I just want something short.

Here’s a short list of Games I’ve liked so far:

  1. Suikoden Series
  2. Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core, and Tactics
  3. Persona 3 and 4
  4. Bully

Upon reflection, maybe something similar to JRPGs but without the grind.

  • @SuperApples
    2 years ago

    For phone gaming may I suggest the PSP game Z.H.P: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman.

    Given it’s a rogue-like there is a bit of grind to it, but it’s a short game. What makes it a great portable game is that it is action, but turn-based, so you can think through your next move, and don’t have to struggle with quick inputs on imprecise controls.

    Edit: Oh, and since you like Suikoden, maybe try PSX title Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. More story driven than combat, and the PSX version is the 2nd remake with many features added aimed at enhancing the story telling more than anything.