Greg Walter, from Winchester, says he feels betrayed as he and his partner are struggling to get visas to live in Italy

  • Bizarroland
    41 year ago

    From what I’ve been reading and what I’ve been taking in, there is a class war between the wealthy and non-wealthy going on.

    And the strange thing about this class war is that it is incredibly sophisticated compared to the wars of yesteryear. They’re not having to roll out military forces and squash peasants. They’re not having to actively kill dissenters. It’s a very prim and proper kind of class war where the only fatality is freedom.

    This kind of war is very effective because it is a mental war.

    And it’s very difficult to find a leader for the war or a lightning rod for the war or any single group or organization to target to bring the war to an end.

    • Bizarroland
      51 year ago

      This war is being led by a mass of nameless faceless billionaires and millionaires, and not all of them are in on it.

      The goal is to entrench the rich in unassailable positions, and anytime there is a meeting place or gathering place of enough of us peasants to even begin to pose the slightest risk to them, they purchase that place with their immense shopping power and dismantle it.

      That explains Facebook/IG, and Reddit and Twitters recent destabilization. They don’t want us to have a place where we can communicate and coordinate.

      It also explains the news media empire, because people who are constantly dismayed and like the story of Chicken Little always being told that the sky is falling are more likely to listen to the fox and be led to slaughter.

      They’re already attempting to make inroads on the federated services, anytime a federated service gets large undoubtedly there will be a massive gathering of bot accounts that will Target and destabilize any federated server. There will be people whose entire livelihoods are made around selling their mercenary services to companies who want to destroy and destabilize a federated server if it gets large enough to serve as a meeting ground.

      And the whole point of all of this is just to keep us from talking with each other and organizing in sufficient quantities and locations to push our agendas over their agendas.

      • Bizarroland
        31 year ago

        And the problem is the only way to do anything about it is to either spend massive amounts of resources defending safe zones from billionaires or to just keep fleeing from one safe zone to another safe zone until they get tired of chasing us because we’ve gotten too small to pose any threat to them.

        The only way to win this war is to find a hero who can defend us from the billionaires.

        I wish I could be that person but I don’t know how to be that person. Hopefully somebody else will hear this and read this and it will serve as a wake-up call for them to establish a system where non-wealthy people who are the bulk of humanity can bond together and communicate freely without interference from governments and billionaires and their ilk.

        Because the alternative is for us to just go around and start killing every single rich person on the planet, even though even the majority of them are probably completely innocent, just on the odd chance that we managed to take out one of the ones that are fucking up everything for everyone else.

        And the downside with that is is if we do that we will become the monsters, and we won’t actually solve the problem.