Due to recent evil moves by Google to push Web Environment Integrity down our throats, I want to use Firefox web app instead of Chrome web app on my Android device. I noticed the Firefox installed app has a black circle as icon, but Chrome one has the right icon.

Is this a big in Voyager or some other Google/Android discrimination?

Edit: Installing Voyager from m.lemmy.world fixed the issue for now.

Thanks for all the tips.

  • @aehardingM
    32 years ago

    I think it’s because Firefox refuses to use TLS 1.3 to download the favicon for some weird reason. I won’t support TLS 1.2 on vger.app, so using m.lemmy.world seems like a good workaround.

    • @meitiOP
      22 years ago

      Your decision is perfectly sound. The problem is apparently Firefox. I’m using Voyager installed with Firefox and will report any other weird behavior that I notice.