I’ve been using Cura as a slicer for my Anycubic Kobra since I got it a few months ago. After a few weeks I discovered octoprint which was amazing as it let me start and monitor print jobs whilst out and about.

Cura has been great for me but I’m growing tired of needing to copy my print profiles from machine to machine on different OSes to slice my STL files. Is anyone aware of any self hosted web based slicers I could use to sidestep this problem?

I would be willing to live without an octoprint plugin and manually download and upload the gcode files to my printer if needed, I just want to be able to slice from wherever I am and kick off the print from wherever I am.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • @DrKevorkian
    12 years ago

    My experience has consistently been that Cura gave superior prints