Hundreds of conservative operatives outlined a plan that Donald Trump, or any Republican, could use to purge climate action from the federal government.

  • orclev
    2 years ago

    They would do away with the clean water act in an instant if they could. I swear, the only time they “think of the children” is when they’re salivating over the profits to be gained from rising cancer rates due to lax environmental regulation.

    Close. The only time they “think of the children” is when they’re salivating over the profits to be gained by repealing child labor laws. I wish this was just a joke, but it’s actually part of their platform now. They’re trying to fast track us back to the worst aspects of the industrial revolution.

    • glockenspiel
      2 years ago

      The only time they “think of the children”

      I disagree. I mean, I agree, but they also think of the children constantly. Otherwise how else could they constantly sexualize, groom, and abuse them? Right wingers protest too much on this topic. Their leadership is awash in pedophiles. So are their rank and file. Their churches are child rape factories regardless of denomination or geographic location or size.

      I guess it does go hand in hand with their entire idea of stripping protections and rights from children so they can be used like objects and thrown away when they’ve been used up/grown up.