With lots of things being developed through web technologies, and many things being web-based so that it is cross-platform, will operating systems still be relevant?

We can differ philosophically by using Debian or Arch or Windows or Mac, but if nowadays applications are web-based or developed through something like Electron such that it can run on practically all modern operating systems. what is the relevance of operating systems galore?

Don’t get me wrong I love FOSS and Linux and stuff, but it seems that the paradigm right now is creating web applications, with many things being web-based.

Am I off, or is this something you also think about?

P.S. I’m a total noob when it comes to IT, so the question might be weirdly phrased.

  • joel_feila
    2 years ago

    one program I work with every day looks like it was first built for windows 95. IT so old we have to skip the Java update notification or else it will break the program.

    • mafbarOP
      2 years ago

      Sheesh. But I guess the thinking is that if it works, then why change it, right?