Reading Time: 2 minutes The health of the economy depends on it Looking through a microscope at yachts on a shoreline is the closest many will get to living the lives of the rich and famous. We can all grasp onto that dream, though, because in modern society, everyone is chasing a variation of the American Dream. That dream centres […]
Because modern society is driven entirely by greed. It’s the engine that powers capitalism and has pushed it to be the dominant system. Greed and excess (or Gluttony, to be symbolic about it) are intrinsic to our way of life and so we pretend they aren’t as big a problem as they are.
Because modern society is driven entirely by greed. It’s the engine that powers capitalism and has pushed it to be the dominant system. Greed and excess (or Gluttony, to be symbolic about it) are intrinsic to our way of life and so we pretend they aren’t as big a problem as they are.