The sub header of the article describes it best.

“This can only end well,” said anyone who has ever ridden a bike through traffic, ever

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    I almost got into an accident just yesterday because a car tried to enter a roundabout when I was in it and had right of way. We’re getting better, but at least in my semi-rural area, there are still some issues. To be fair, this was a really poorly designed roundabout with a stoplight about 50-75 ft from one of the entries, so it seems to always get backed up (and the car in question was coming through the intersection to the roundabout).

    • numbscroll
      12 years ago

      Oh wow, that’s scary. I’m semi-rural too, thankfully I don’t hear much about accidents or incidents in roundabouts at least locally. I’m curious about areas where there are pedestrians and bikes that cross roundabouts too… where I’m at they are farther away from walkable/bikeable territory so it’s really just cars using them.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        Most are far from walkable/bikeable areas, but there are two right next to each other near a park that has a lot of car, bike, and foot traffic.