With lots of things being developed through web technologies, and many things being web-based so that it is cross-platform, will operating systems still be relevant?

We can differ philosophically by using Debian or Arch or Windows or Mac, but if nowadays applications are web-based or developed through something like Electron such that it can run on practically all modern operating systems. what is the relevance of operating systems galore?

Don’t get me wrong I love FOSS and Linux and stuff, but it seems that the paradigm right now is creating web applications, with many things being web-based.

Am I off, or is this something you also think about?

P.S. I’m a total noob when it comes to IT, so the question might be weirdly phrased.

  • @Anonymouse
    72 years ago

    I’ll differ from the rest just for the sake of argument: No, the operating system doesn’t matter for the vast majority of computer users. Therefore, for most people, the OS is irrelevant. I don’t think my mom knows that her phone is Android or iOS and to her, the computer is the browser. If the browser doesn’t open when she turns on the computer, the computer’s broken.

    The operating system won’t be going away. It’s the low level bits that connect the applications to the hardware. When you have companies owning the top to bottom stack from the hardware to the user interface, like Apple, the operating system becomes invisible (or irrelevant) to the user. Case in point, what OS does your car run?

    • kevinBLT
      32 years ago

      None, pure hardware stick-shift minimal abstraction. They will never be able to charge me a subscription for higher speeds, remote unlock or the seat warmers, and the best part is no telemetry.

      • @MigratingtoLemmy
        32 years ago

        Will you never purchase a car again?

        I don’t think the other manufacturers are going to do the same things that BMW and Tesla are trying.

        • kevinBLT
          22 years ago

          Nah I’m going the other direction, if I ever need new transport the Amish near me have good deals on a used horse and buggy.

          • @MigratingtoLemmy
            22 years ago

            Haha, this is brilliant.

            I hope to live in a place, one day, where I can get by without a car. Imagine being able to cycle everywhere!