EDIT: I would like to ask people in the comment section to respect community info. This is not c/politics. Thank you.

  • Doug [he/him]
    131 year ago

    That article tells everyone they should just give up. Why bother changing anything now?

    No that’s a bad article. The one you want is climate change is here and it’s only going to keep getting worse if massive changes aren’t made at the top

    • @ProfessorZhu
      11 year ago

      It’s the truth though, it doesn’t matter how much it sucks what I just said about climate change is 100 percent true, if we cut ALL carbon right now we’d still go over 1.5C. I’m so sick and tired of all these fucking feel good lies. Is humanity doomed from climate change? That’s up to humanity to decide, is climate change here and unstoppable? Yeah and no matter how many fantasy tales you spout it’s still the truth.

      • Doug [he/him]
        81 year ago

        What I said is also true. I’ll assume you’re correct with passing 1.5 even if we cut all carbon right now. What happens if we cut none? What if someone figures out a way to repair some damage in ten years but we’ve been doing extra that whole time by doing nothing because it was already here and we couldn’t stop it.

        If flood waters pass a levee do you throw your hands up because the flood is already here, or do you do what you still can in the situation you’re in?

        Just because you don’t give a damn doesn’t mean everyone else should give up.

        • @ProfessorZhu
          1 year ago

          If you want to have a conversation at least keep up with the current sciences before claiming the other participant doesn’t give a damn. You can’t even be bothered to keep up with the news about this what makes me think you care?

          If floodwaters pass a levee I ring the alarm and tell people the real damage that’s coming their way, I don’t keep taking money out of their pockets and keep selling them a load of horse shit about how “if we just scapegoat enough people the water will jump back up behind the levee!”

          You don’t give a fuck about climate change, you just want to demonize people wealthier then you while still buying their crap.

          • Doug [he/him]
            11 year ago

            Thanks for all the assumptions. None of them are true.

            I’m not remotely suggesting “taking money out of their pockets and selling them a load of horse shit”. I’m talking about mitigation while you’re comfortable letting humanity roll over and accept whatever comes.

            I’m saying, “yeah, there’s an inferno blazing and it’s going to do massive damage but maybe we don’t all have to die horribly while screaming”.

            I give a fuck about the planet and people in general. Apparently that’s hard for you to understand.

            I would like to see the news that supports your apparent “fuck it, it’s over. Don’t bother at all anymore” position. That’s totally the type of message scientists send ever.

            • @ProfessorZhu
              1 year ago

              I never said don’t bother you vapid idiot, stop talking to someone else in your head. We can still do things to mitigate the HOW destructive it is, like I said it’s up to humanity to decide if this is an extinction event. What I have been saying and you’ve been twisting to try and feed your feel good narrative is pretending like we haven’t hit the point where we’ll go over 1.5c is delusional like saying the GOP are losing.

              Edit: I also love the fact that you were the one to make assumptions about me and insult me, but when I spoke broadly you took offense and started acting like I crossed some line

              • Doug [he/him]
                01 year ago

                Go back and reread the comment thread.

                You said there should be an article that says climate change has happened and we can’t stop it

                I responded to that with how that article will lead people to believe there’s nothing to be done. This is one thing you’ve now said didn’t happen.

                That’s where you jumped in with saying everything you said is true. That at least carries an implication that what I said was not.

                Then I assumed your data was correct, because I don’t keep things memorized and didn’t feel the need to look things up. From here I asked you to consider whether it was worth it to do anything or if you thought everyone should give up. Admittedly I read in to your comments so far that you felt we should give up, but I’ll stand by that reading.

                From there you assumed I don’t keep up with news, don’t give a damn, and want to demonize wealthier people while still buying their crap. Did I miss any? All of those are assumptions about me. There’s also the unnecessary bit about feeding people bullshit in the flood analogy. What bullshit have I fed anyone?

                You didn’t say not to bother, but you’ll see how I’ve been pointing out how you give that implication this whole time if you bother to read the exchange as anything but biased toward yourself.

                Telling people en masse “it happened” is functionally the same as telling them “it’s over, don’t bother”. I’ve not been trying to make anything feel good. This situation is shit but your method doesn’t help anything but making yourself feel better. Ironic.

                Where else have I made assumptions about you? Where have I insulted you? Where did I act like you crossed a line?

                You certainly have now that you’ve shown you can neither discuss this rationally nor avoid devolving to name calling. You’re projecting your own behavior on to me. Look in a mirror. Reread your own words.

                I’ll give you no more of my time. Take your vitriol to someone else.

                • @ProfessorZhu
                  11 year ago

                  Before you go, can you explain how telling someone, (whom you have no idea the life of) that they don’t give a damn about a topic they’re talking about isn’t an insult?