Comment in the thread to represent your team!

Also, if your team has a dedicated community, post that as well.

  • @CombatWombatEsqOPM
    111 months ago

    You should be a Racing fan so we can be friends!

    • @rhacer
      211 months ago

      We’ve got season tickets to LCFC, does that help?

      I’m guessing based on the name you are/were a Soldier.

      • @CombatWombatEsqOPM
        111 months ago

        I was mostly joking – since I’m a Reign fan, I “can’t be friends” with Thorns fans.

        I wasn’t a soldier or a lawyer, surprisingly. My partner chose the handle for me and got me an painting of a wombat looking lawyerly to match, so I use it everywhere.

        • @rhacer
          111 months ago

          Well fine be that way! I didn’t want to be your friend anyway!

          Somehow I missed the Esq. I would have clued in if I had!

          Great name!

          I have a soft spot for the legal profession as I put myself through school working in a law firm, and then my second job after graduation was being the in-house nerd for the same firm.