I wanted to have something to show, so i think its at minimum viable product stage to run human vs human games.

Ive just finished uploading the code I’ve been working on to the prototype repository (https://github.com/PossibleEmuWrangler/AnarchyChess-DreamyDesktopPrototype)

It should contain all the code and images im working with now. I will be around and will try and help with issues.

I just got my github license (to drive) from a cereal box and think i can break stuff without realising it and maybe even push changes to the Dreamchess project without realising it, so i created the Prototype repository. Code is released under GPL3, same as Dreamchess.

I plan to create a new respository AnarchChess-DreamyDesktop as a fork from Dreamchess and create branches and commits with that for future updates.

The crashing on Knook capturing a Knook has been fixed.

Once you get it running, go into settings before starting a game. Games must be Human vs Human. Engine must be set to “”. Use piece set of Classic Wooden (3d) or figurine (2d). Some debug info prints to stdout.

If you have any questions, please let me know here.

  • @Possible_EmuWranglerOPM
    12 years ago

    I just updated the getting started section:-

    Once the program has started and shows AnarchyChess splashscreen, go into the configuration.

    Theme should be set to “Figurine” (preferred but 2d) or “Classic Wooden” (3d but knook “piece” is currently a partial rook). Engine has to be set to “” (default should be “dreamer”) The engine(s) havent been coded for the new piece yet and the engine can “undo” moves it doesnt recognise.

    Go back to main menu and select a new game Games need to be set as Human vs human. Set difficulty Easy and Level 1

    Start Game

    For the first run do the moves:

    e4 d5 exd5 c5 dxc6 f6 cxb7 f5 (alternately Kf7) bxa8=O.

    Promotion dialog doesnt have correct image for Knook yet, see dialog text as it says how to promote to knook (rightmost horsey). On the board the Knook should have a K in the middle of the rook piece.

    Move Knook as you want.

    Quit game, and then start a new game.

    If it breaks, please comment with moves so i can replicate locally, Thanks.