The framework laptop promises to be an upgradeable and repairable laptop, not quite the same philosophy that makes thinkpads great, but I wonder if newer thinkpads are good enough to prefer over a framework.

  • @fuckwit_mcbumcrumble
    12 years ago

    Nobody mentions speakers. But the speakers on the Frame work laptops are awful from what I’ve heard. They make thinkpad’s speakers look amazing. My P1 has pretty tolerable speakers equivalent to about a 2012 MacBook, But the newer Macbooks, especially 14/16" M1’s are so good I wouldn’t want to get external speakers.

    With a Framework you’d need external speakers for just about anything. If I’m sitting on the couch and want to watch a video or just have some background music I’m more than happy to use the built in speakers. But with older thinkpads, or presumably the Framework that’s essentially not an option.