It might have been to save money. Electricity costs recent shot up between 24-46% all around Japan a month or so ago. Tokyo prices went up about 28% and it was 46% in Hokkaido. Just in time for summer.
Yeah I was thinking that was a probability as we are seeing similar in us but it would be great if they could say. Granted unless the couple told someone they had to not run it they can’t really say I guess.
It might have been to save money. Electricity costs recent shot up between 24-46% all around Japan a month or so ago. Tokyo prices went up about 28% and it was 46% in Hokkaido. Just in time for summer.
Yeah I was thinking that was a probability as we are seeing similar in us but it would be great if they could say. Granted unless the couple told someone they had to not run it they can’t really say I guess.