I’m not even joking. Once you start using Ocucor, all other weapons will feel like junk.

Ocucor creates up to four tendrils on kill which automatically aim at the nearest enemy. You basically just hold the trigger and run and it kills everything in your path.

It has a new augment mod in the current Nightwave that adds up 240% CC and SC while reloading it’s magazine for each kill.

It has good Riven dispo as well in case you want to get one. I highly recommend getting Punch Through and Multishot on it.

All combined, once you start using Ocucor, your aim will deteriorate, you’ll get lazy, and other weapons will feel underwhelming.

You have been warned!

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I had Cascadia Flare on, for the record. Full build, Sentient Surge, all that. It indeed felt terrible to use initially and really struggled for the first kill, but was fine once it started getting tendrils.

    Edit: Did a quick test run of SP Circulus. Levels 180-200, for the record. Did absolutely NOTHING to enemies at first as it lacked Galv Shot, Galv Diffusion, and the Ocucor’s tendrils. Again, worked fine when it got going, but you definitely need some form of strip or else any other competent player will make your life getting that first kill hell. Basic Viral+Heat build with Galv Shot & Diffusion, the two primed crit mods, and Cascadia Flare & Sentient Surge as previously mentioned. Take out Shot, shove in a bane, might do marginally better for the first kill but I don’t think it’d be to such a degree that it’d really make a difference.

    • Xuerian
      21 year ago

      Aha, fair enough. Yeah. Lots of ramp up on the gun.

      I almost always run either strip frame or unairu, so I tend not to run into the hard cold start situation, but totally valid.