Hey CMDRs! I’m pretty much brand new to the game. I’ve dipped my toes into a handful of the games systems (hauling, mining, combat, salvaging), and started making credits a few million at a time to upgrade my ships. I’m starting to feel a little lost in terms of overall goals, though; just building up my wallet for the sake of it is losing its luster. What kind of goals should I be looking at to work toward?

This post made at 1200c en route to Lunan Holdings. Nobody warned me.

  • Shurimal
    21 year ago

    Working towards a carrier plus 5 years of upkeep is a good long-term goal, but you shouldn’t be laser-focused only on that. I think focusing on small short-to-medium term goals is best—progress toward the long term goal will happen along the way and you’ll have less chance of burning out.

    Goals like “think I’ll go and romp around the Guardian ruins this week and unlock some modules” or “let’s see how the thargs are doing in Pleiades and collect some meta-alloys from their surface sites” or “let’s test thermal conduit PA-s in a haz res this weekend!”. Fun little snippets that don’t get grindy but will teach you game mechanics, bring you to interesting places and make you a better pilot in long term.

    Key is to mix activites up and not do anything longer than you have the mood for. For example, in this thargoid war, I might drop into an AXCZ, blow up one or two cyclops, decide I’ve had enough for the day, bug out and reequip for evacs or CSAR in a different system.