Basically what the title says. I’ve only played two games like this so far (Silent Hill 2 and OMORI) and am looking for more.

Could be games, ROM hacks, mods of existing games, etc.

EDIT: So many great suggestions! Getting a bit overwhelmed by how many there are, so I’m going to need to find a way to put this in some kind of list with an order to play the games in. By all means, keep 'em coming, though!

  • newIdentity
    62 years ago

    I completely forgot about What Remains Of Edith Finch, but yeah. It’s pretty good

    • tabris
      52 years ago

      Another vote for Edith Finch, the ending made me bawl like a baby. Great storytelling, each level doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, its funny and emotional throughout, but the ending really hit me in the feels.