After growing my beard out for maybe 5-6 years, trimming it myself and generally keeping it looking “reasonable” I thought I’d treat myself and go get it trimmed by a “professional” first thing before a day full of webex meetings.

Now admittedly it was maybe a bit What year is it?, but it was well taken care of. Wee dude even commented on how it was one of the softest he’d cut.

Then he fucking trimmed it to fuck, into a big sorcerers point while I just sat there aghast. Absolutely scunnered.

  • monsieur_jean
    22 years ago

    I say no to the goatee. You should, too. Trim that off so you have a straight line bellow the jaw, it will look less messy. I don’t know what this barber was thinking.

    Also is the combo long hair + long beard a conscious choice? :)

    • FinnbotOP
      22 years ago

      What, you mean you don’t like it?

      • monsieur_jean
        12 years ago

        It looks really messy to me. As far I am concerned it’s either short and nicely trimmed beard with long hair or big beard with short hair. As I am loosing mine, I went with the second option (also I’m a bit fat so I still keep my sideburns very short. A bit like this)