And you could upgrade them too. Back when socketed CPUs existed on laptops along with expansion slots, and batteries were removable with a thumb latch (and most laptops could run on the power adapter without the battery being installed, which prevented trickle charging related battery degradation, perfect for a “desktop replacement” that would spend a lot of its time hooked up to power before that category of laptops even really existed). Good times.
Those Dell D series latitudes were ahead of their time in build quality. Especially when compared to what came later.
And you could upgrade them too. Back when socketed CPUs existed on laptops along with expansion slots, and batteries were removable with a thumb latch (and most laptops could run on the power adapter without the battery being installed, which prevented trickle charging related battery degradation, perfect for a “desktop replacement” that would spend a lot of its time hooked up to power before that category of laptops even really existed). Good times.