Sync Ultra is a very reasonable $17 a YEAR. YouTube Premium is reaching that per MONTH. I have sync downloaded and it was the first thing I did. Thanks lj for the beautiful app.

[EDIT: That was a poor comparison, as pointed out in the comments. Leaving it for discussion sake.

There are many counterpoints and actually good discussion happening down below. Even if you don’t agree, thanks for showing me a different perspective!

If you want to support Sync, make sure to support the Lemmy Devs and your instance holders as well!

*This post was made early in the day before the update added the OTP option.]

  • @Donjuanme
    811 months ago

    Subbed to Patreon, one time payment for the app. I like having nice things, nice things only come if there’s reward in making them. I’m someone’s reward for doing something nice.