Title says it all. Basically I am at a point where I can choose between 2 jobs.

One would leave me incredibly busy, completely stressed for the next 3-4 years and wouldn’t leave me with a lot of free time in general (it also has a very high burn out quote) and a lot of young people who enter the job leave shortly after. The pay would be good, the job is incredible secure, it would make me a civil servant and it’s a job I would mostly enjoy. I find it incredibly fulfilling and it is a lot of fun. But my job would be pretty much everything I do from then with no real time for other hobbies.

The other job is much more relaxed, it is even more fun and I would work with one of my hobbies. But the pay is dogshit I would make the least of any of my friends, it is less secure and the working hours are funky but regular. It might become very challenging to afford a family on this salary (not impossible though).

I feel like I am fucked either way. Any thoughts?

  • AToM.exe
    11 year ago

    Take the well paid job and do it for a couple of years, or just as long as it possible without damaging your physical or mental health.

    Build up some cash as a safety-net and work on forging your skills in the profession you really won’t to be in.

    Remember, you can quit your job at any point, why not go for the best salary to start with. And bonus, you got something on your resume to base your wage on for future employments.