• BrerChicken
      12 years ago

      This is not a study, and those monkeys are addicted to alcohol, not masturbation. I’ve actually seen this clip before.

      But I was just making fun of your comment, which was honestly pretty hilariou.

      • @kava
        12 years ago

        It’s based on a study. The clip is just easier to share


        The point is that there are striking similarities between vervet monkeys and humans in the domain of alcohol addiction/ use. Similar ratios get addicted. Females prefer sweet drinks. Social drinking behavior vs alcohol abuse. It all mimics humans

        Which implies that the process of getting addicted to alcohol is a primitive mechanism that biologically and neuorologically gets us on a level that we share with monkeys. If we share that with monkeys, it’s very likely that we would share other addictions. Addictions are all the same - chemical or behavioral.

        there is evidence that monkeys in captivity (key word captivity) like porn and will continously watch it. See below link. Now the question is - how does captivity cause this and does modern civilization keep humans in “captivity”? Is this causing not only the porn addiction but addictions in general? Rates of addiction seem to be increasing. I think there’s a lot of food for thought here


        Not sure what is so hilarious personally but I guess everyone has a different sense of humor