Madeline: Science denial really grinds my metaphorical gears, and Flat Earthers are some of the most egregious about it. So manhandle them into strait jackets and shove them in the damn rocket already.

  • @okamiueru
    12 years ago

    I’m… not advocating … I don’t think OP literally, hm. Maybe you meant to reply to OP?

    • all-knight-party
      12 years ago

      I’m supporting you from another angle, not contesting you, my argument goes against OP’s suggestion, and yeah I don’t think OP was being literal, but it’s a fun thought experiment

      • @okamiueru
        12 years ago

        Ah, gotcha. As a thought experiment it falls on the same moral issues as with any capital punishment. The bigger problems I think are with how woefully unprepared society is for the incentives advertisement based social media has.

        One might think, “what does advertisement have to do with this?”. It turns out that outrage is much more engaging than any intellectual discourse that discusses nuances. So, Facebook and it’s ilk amplifies all and any cancerous misinformation. Humans being malleable believe what they are exposed to, and measles outbreaks are now a thing again.

        Flat earthers aren’t the problem. Neither are Maga morons, Q-anons, anti-vaxxers. They aren’t even the weakest souls. Humans aren’t all that different. Just different circumstances. And, the problems are those that encourage and facilitate those circumstances. Put those in a shuttle destined to the sun.