• @Eldritch
    11 year ago

    Oh it’s not that I don’t understand the sentiment etc for it. You have to understand something to have a hope of dismantling and countering it. I simply don’t have a strong desire to wade through it repeatedly for fun. I am largely anti authoritarian whether it’s any form of capitalism or the loose forms of socialism often used to slander the the general ideology as a whole.

    I absolutely understand the misguided reasoning behind the desire for a strong central authority etc. It’s efficient, no duplication of hierarchy, resources, or conflicts in leadership. All you need to do is find someone who isn’t human in any way and subject to the ethical and moral flaws of humans. Maybe with AGI someday if it hasn’t killed us. But till then it’s a fools errand. For now authority should be as granular as reasonably possible. And preferably with those with the knowledge and motivation to lead where their self interest aligns with those they lead.

    Again I’m not one that would argue that these systems were always nothing but hellscapes. Soviet Russia was a good example of a fairly nuanced instance. Disregarding the authoritarian annexing of large chunks of eastern europe. An in-arguably negative thing. There are plenty things that Soviet Russia did reasonably well. I just can’t say that makes up for the disappearances, the gulags, and the outright assassinations of dissidents or those the state deems as enemies. And sadly. Russia even as a net negative was the best of them. China is far worse about crushing dissidents. We even just had a notable anniversary related to that IIRC. And North Korea should go without saying. But it’s not the communism that’s the problem. It’s the flawed IE human authoritarian leadership.