Hey, I have a moral question.

If my boyfriend (25yo) shows me a photo of him as a kid, and asks me “Was I cute?” What is the appropriate response?

Of course my boyfriend is so cute, but saying that him as a kid was cute is inappropriate? Just because he was like 12yo in that picture?

Where is the line here? I usually refuse to have opinions on kids appearances because usually I have none, and I don’t know if saying that a kid looks “cute” is creepy.

  • @Fubar91
    22 years ago

    Context matters if we’re talking about the nuances of the english language.

    Cute: Appealing in a pretty or endearing way. Cute: Sexually attractive.

    In the right context it’s a none issue to call a child cute in an endearing way. This is very common.

    If you say it meaning the second definition, you should be locked up in jail.

    Obviously in this scenario its fine, because you where asked incontext of an endearing manner (I hope), so the repsonse would also be in an endearing manner (i hope).